Prevention and Management

Since HDV is dependent on HBV, preventing the transmission of B will prevent the spread of D. Happily, there is an effective vaccine for HBV, which can essentially end B/D coinfection. However, there is no vaccine to HDV, so there is no way to prevent patients who are already chronically infected with Hepatitis B from contracting HDV in a superinfection. The only way to prevent infection in these patients is through education and cautious behavior and practices. Treatment for chronic HDV infection is not extremely effective. Interferon-a has been used to induce remission of symptoms, but the patients remaind seropositive for HDV. In addition, extremely high doses are needed to have any effect. Other antiviral treatments have not proved effective and currently the only treatment for fulminant hepatitis and end stage cirrhosis is a liver transplant, which has an 88% survival rate.
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